Located at MaTovu, in Botanical Heights.
Regarding Redemption
Kentaro Kumanomido
May – August 2024
This piece is about the meanings we hold around mistakes and our fears of (re)making them.
Error, miscalculation, f*ck-up, fail. I cringe when I hear these words because they call up memories I'd rather forget. But recently, I've started questioning whether carrying around my past mistakes as burdens—to be buried, hidden, stuffed away in the dark—might be the biggest mistake of all.
What if my mistakes meant more than mourning? What if my errors were more than shameful scars? I’m still searching for new meanings to replace these older, fossilized self-doubts, but I am starting to feel space open up around them in my mind. Perhaps, you can help fill in the void?
Kentaro Kumanomido is an artist, writer, and cultural producer born and raised in St. Louis. In 2022, he co-founded Wildfruit Projects as a space to showcase queer and otherwisely-othered artists from St. Louis and beyond. His creative work and research have received support from Washington University in St. Louis, Northwestern University, the European Media Art Platform, The Onassis Foundation, The Luminary, and the Regional Arts Commission of St. Louis.
Funding for this installation was provided, in part, by the National Academy of Design/Edwin Austin Abbey Memorial Trust Fund for Mural Painting in the United States.